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Beneath the Rainbow: Authentic LGBTQ+ Support in Communications

October 9, 2023

In recent years, we have witnessed a growing awareness and acceptance of LGBTQ+ issues in society. The annual celebration of Pride Month has evolved from a grassroots movement into a mainstream event, with corporations and brands eager to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community. While this surge of support is undoubtedly positive, it has also given rise to a concerning phenomenon known as "rainbow washing." Rainbow washing, or rainbow capitalism, refers to the act of using LGBTQ+ symbols and themes for marketing and public relations purposes without genuinely supporting LGBTQ+ rights or community causes. To avoid falling into this trap, it's essential to approach LGBTQ+ issues in a thoughtful and authentic manner.

Educate Yourself:

Before incorporating LGBTQ+ themes into your communications, take the time to educate yourself about LGBTQ+ history, issues, and the diversity within the community. Understanding the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and the history of the movement will help you avoid tokenistic or superficial support.

Authenticity Over Aesthetics:

Don't simply slap a rainbow flag on your products or logo and call it a day. Authenticity is key. Your support should go beyond aesthetics and extend to meaningful actions. Consider how your organization can tangibly help LGBTQ+ causes, such as donating to LGBTQ+ charities or offering resources for LGBTQ+ employees.

Collaboration, not Exploitation:

Partner with LGBTQ+ organizations and activists rather than exploiting their struggles for profit. Seek guidance and input from LGBTQ+ individuals and groups to ensure your messaging is respectful and sensitive to their needs.


Transparent communication is vital. Be clear about the actions your organization is taking to support the LGBTQ+ community. Share the progress you're making, and admit to any past shortcomings or mistakes. Honesty builds trust.

Year-Round Support:

LGBTQ+ issues are not confined to Pride Month, so your support shouldn't be either. Engage with LGBTQ+ topics and initiatives throughout the year, proving your dedication to the community is not a one-time marketing ploy.

Inclusivity in the Workplace:

Promote diversity and inclusion within your organization. Create a safe and supportive workplace for LGBTQ+ employees, with policies that prevent discrimination and harassment.

Avoiding Stereotypes:

When crafting LGBTQ+ communications, avoid perpetuating stereotypes. Recognize that the LGBTQ+ community is incredibly diverse, and their experiences and identities cannot be reduced to clichés.

Listen and Learn:

Engage in a dialogue with LGBTQ+ individuals and the wider community. Listen to their experiences and concerns, and be willing to learn from their perspectives.


Be open to adjusting your approach based on feedback. LGBTQ+ voices should guide your actions, and you should adapt as necessary.

Don't Profit from Pain:

Avoid using LGBTQ+ struggles to generate profits. Your support should not exploit or trivialize the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

All in all, it's crucial to be mindful of the impact your communications can have on the LGBTQ+ community. Avoid rainbow washing by educating yourself, embracing authenticity, and taking meaningful actions that benefit the community. By doing so, you can ensure that your support is genuine and positively contributes to the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.